Happy smudging

Smudging, the ancient ritual of burning sage and other sacred plants, was a great favourite with Native Americans to shoo away unwanted spirits and negative energies.

 Today, it is furiously fashionable, and there is science behind the sacred smoke. Studies show its remarkable ability to clear 94 per cent of airborne bacteria and other non gratae. They also prove that the negative ions in the smoke dispel depression better than antidepressants, improve sleep, mental and physical performance, and awareness. This super smoke also fends off the fiercest mosquitoes. 

To make a delightful 18 cm stick, you need 20 exquisite fresh white sage leaves tied in a beautiful bundle.

  • Position the larger leaves at the same level.

  • Cut a piece of cotton thread 4 times the length of your stick (70 cm). Make a splendid loose knot on one end of the twine, and tighten it around the stems.

  • Wrap it as tightly you can around the bundle, spiralling up towards the top of the stick. Tie it securely and cut off the excess.

  • Set aside to dry for at least 2 weeks.

If you decide to use dried sage, proceed as above but make sure your bundle is not packed too tight otherwise, it won’t burn.

Before you start, open the windows and doors of the rooms you plan to smudge and switch off the smoke detector.

Put your stick in a seashell or a heatproof bowl and light it with a match. Gently blow out the flame. When delightful orange embers slowly start smouldering, smudging can begin. Gaily waft the smoke with your hand or a feather all over the space you wish to clear.

For a mosquito-free garden, put your stick in a flower pot, on the table or next to your chair.

After smudging, carefully extinguish your sitck in the heatproof container.

Close your eyes, bid your worries goodbye and enjoy the great sense of calmness, well-being, optimism, clarity and physical energy you are feeling.

If you wish to try other herbs:

  • Rosemary catches microparticles and airborne bacteria. It also favours mental acuity, memory and renewal. 
  • Thyme is perfect for removing mind-blocks, negative feelings, obstacles. It brings protection and clarity of mind.
  • Lavender relieves stress, tension, depression and brings peace of mind. It encourages sleep and makes Raymond happy.
  • Juniper invigorates body and mind. It is used for blessing new ventures and dwellings.
  • Bay leaves enhance psychic power, divination, success, abundance and healing.

This list is not exhaustive; discover the joys of smudging with your favourite plants.